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2019 Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Quality and Price

By John Bishop | July 30, 2019

The results are in for the 2019 Bishop & Associates European Customer Satisfaction Survey of the Electronic Connector Industry. We reveal the top 10 European connector suppliers for product quality and price competitiveness.

Bishop & Associates has completed its biennial European Customer Satisfaction Survey of the Electronic Connector Industry, which evaluated 30 connector manufacturers. A total of 312 customers answered 17 questions relating to important issues such as quality, pricing, delivery, lead times, technical support, and more to determine the top 10 European connector suppliers.

The distribution of responses by job function and sales channel is shown in the following table.

Top 10 European connector suppliers distribution of responses

The Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Product Quality

Survey participants were asked to evaluate their overall satisfaction with product quality using the following numerical scale.

6 = Extremely satisfied
5 = Very satisfied
4 = Satisfied
3 = Dissatisfied
2 = Very dissatisfied
1 = Extremely dissatisfied

The following table identifies the top 10 European connector suppliers that received the highest customer evaluations for product quality. The chart includes their country of origin, their respective average score, and the number of evaluations received.

2019 Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Product Quality

Top 10 European connector suppliers for product quality

Note: 6.000 is the highest possible score.

Samtec, ept, and LEMO SA respectively placed first, second, and third for product quality in the 2019 European Customer Satisfaction Survey. Phoenix Contact, Radiall, HUBER+SUHNER, and Rosenberger all moved into the top 10 in the 2019 survey.

The following table is a comparison of this year’s 10 top European connector suppliers’ product quality ranking versus the previous four years of survey results.

Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Product Quality in the Past Five Surveys

Top 10 European connector suppliers in past 5 surveys

Samtec is the only company that placed in the top five in each of the last five surveys conducted. Phoenix Contact experienced the largest increase in rank from 2017 to 2019, jumping from 19th in 2017 to fourth place in 2019. In the past five European Customer Satisfaction Surveys, only Samtec and LEMO SA maintained their top 10 standing in the product quality category. In addition, although ept was not surveyed in 2015, the company placed in the top 10 in four of the last five surveys and has consistently kept its prices down without sacrificing quality, which has successfully led to high rankings in this survey year after year.

“Our highly developed vertical manufacturing range provides a certain flexibility to quickly and accurately react to customer and market trends. Since we handle every production step necessary for manufacturing connectors in-house — development, construction, equipment manufacturing, stamping, molding, plating, and connector assembly — we possess the necessary expertise for every manufacturing phase and are in complete control of the quality assurance cycle. Furthermore, we’re able to handle requests in a flexible manner and can immediately adjust each link in the manufacturing chain separately,” said Irina Lew, head of marketing communications at ept. “ept is a family-owned and -run company where technical expertise, precision, and quality have always had the highest priority. Operating the manufacturing procedures for connector production in-house in a competent way is only logical for us and expresses the high standards we hold ourselves to.”

The Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Price Competitiveness

Survey participants were asked to evaluate their level of satisfaction with price competitiveness using the following numerical scale.

6 = Extremely satisfied
5 = Very satisfied
4 = Satisfied
3 = Dissatisfied
2 = Very dissatisfied
1 = Extremely dissatisfied

The following table identifies the top 10 European connector suppliers that received the highest customer evaluations for price competitiveness. The chart includes the company’s country of origin, their respective average score, and the number of evaluations received.

2019 Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Price Competitiveness

Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Price Competitiveness

Note: 6.000 is the highest possible score.

ept, Belden/Lumberg/Hirschmann, and Binder respectively placed first, second, and third in the 2019 European Customer Satisfaction Survey. Half (50%) of the companies in the top 10 for price competitiveness are headquartered in Germany and 40% are headquartered in the United States. J.S.T. placed seventh in the survey and is based in Japan.

The following table is a comparison of this year’s 10 top European connector suppliers’ price competitiveness rankings versus the previous four years of survey results.

Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Price Competitiveness in the Past Five Surveys

Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Price Competitiveness in the Past Five Surveys

WAGO is the only company to have placed in the top 10 in all five surveys. ept, CONEC, and J.S.T. have all ranked in the top 10 in four out of the last five surveys. Belden and Molex experienced the highest increase in rank in 2019, with both moving up eight positions.

This is the second of three articles related to the results of the 2019 Bishop & Associates European Customer Satisfaction Survey of the Electronic Connector Industry. (See the first article here.) The next article will highlight the top 10 European connector suppliers based on on-time delivery and technical support and expertise. Look for it in the August 6 edition of Connector Supplier. To purchase the full report, call Bishop & Associates at 630-443-2702.

No part of this article may be used without the permission of Bishop & Associates, Inc. If you would like to receive additional news about the connector industry, register here. You may also contact us at [email protected] or by calling 630.443.2702.

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2019 Top 10 European Connector Suppliers

2019 Top 10 European Connector Companies for On-Time Delivery and Technical Support and Expertise

2019 Top 10 European Connector Suppliers for Quality and Price

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