element14 Launches Portal to Build and Promote BoosterPacks for TI’s MCU LaunchPads

By News Release | October 22, 2013

element14 Launches Portal

element14 announced the launch of its new portal that provides support resources to enable designers to create their own BoosterPack, an add-on board designed to work with one of Texas Instruments (TI’s) microcontroller (MCU) LaunchPad evaluation kits. The step-by-step process gives the engineering and maker communities a systematic framework to work with to bring a new product to market. The advantages of this site are the comprehensive support it provides through its links to leading industry partners that developers will need to collaborate with to create their new boards, offering functions such as design, raising funds, prototyping, manufacturing, and promotion.

“We are proud to launch this industry-first portal on our 200,000 member-strong community site where we bring design engineers, hobbyists, and supplier partners in direct contact to shorten their time-to-market for a new product,” said David Shen, CTO at Premier Farnell. “We encourage and support our customers to develop new add-ons to the TI MCU LaunchPad and we will help take them from conception of design through development and prototyping to delivery in the market.”

Using TI’s MCU LaunchPad evaluation kits, developers can design their own add-on BoosterPack accessory board. They are encouraged to leverage the element14 Community as a one-stop shop to submit their ideas to garner interest and more ideas, collaborate with others, raise funds to build their BoosterPack, get their design quoted and built, and to promote the new product.

Visit element14 online.

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