What are QLS connectors?

What are QLS connectors?

Meet the Connector: QLS Connectors

QLS connectors are a type of circular cable connector jointly designed by IMS Connector Systems and Telegärtner to offer a quick-locking alternative for the threaded SMA connector. It is designed for quick and easy mating and unmating without the need for tools. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where frequent assembly and disassembly of RF systems are required, or in situations where access may be limited.

The QLS comes in a variety of mounting options, shown here by IMS Connector Systems.

The QLS connector features similar interface dimensions to the SMA connector family and it is compatible with QMA connectors. This connector is suitable for a variety of RF and industrial applications and is commonly specified for antenna base stations and tower-mounted radio units, including small cell antennas like Wi-Fi, W-LAN, and WiMAX.

The waterproof QLS from IMS Connector Systems provides excellent protection for weather exposed applications by ensuring superior RF capabilities up to 18 GHz. Different color codings on male and female mating halves simplify the installation at adjoining multiple interfaces.

Design Notes 

Standardization: The QLS connector is 100% compatible with the QMA standard interface.

The QLS is 100% compatible with the QMA interface; QMA shown here by Times Microwave Systems.

Mounting type: Quick lock; right angle or straight

Termination: Cable, PCB

Mating cycles: <200

Cable type: Suitable for use with semi rigid/semi flexible cable

Impedance: 50 Ohm

Frequencies: Up to 6 Ghz

Dielectric withstanding voltage: 1500 V rms 50 Hz, at sea level
Frequency range: DC – 18 GHz

Return loss: DC – 3 GHz ≥ 32 dB

Mating cycles: ≥ 100

Operating temperature: -40 °C + 85 °C

Materials: Stainless steel/brass. Plating options include white bronze, silver, nickel, gold, tin/lead

IP rating: Available in a wide variety of IP sealing levels

Markets and Applications 

Telecom/Datacom, Industrial


QLS connectors are available from IMS Connector Systems (IMS products are available from DigiKey), Telegärtner (stocked by RS).

Compatible QMA connectors are available from Radiall, Times Microwave Systems, TE Connectivity, and others.

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