Dr. Peter Diamandis Chosen as Keynote for IPC APEX EXPO 2014
Peter Diamandis has been selected through a vote of electronics industry professionals to present the opening keynote at IPC APEX EXPO on March 25, 2014, in Las Vegas.
Diamandis, whose personal motto is, “The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself,” is chairman and CEO of the X Prize Foundation, which designs and launches large incentive prizes to drive radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. He is also co-founder and executive chairman of Singularity University (SU), a Silicon Valley-based institution partnered with NASA, Google, Autodesk, and Nokia, which focuses on exponentially growing technologies.
Through his work, Diamandis has proven the transformational power that exponentially growing technology has on companies, governments, and humanity, as well as on “do-it-yourself” technologists and small companies that can now achieve what only governments or large corporations could do before.
In his keynote presentation, Diamandis will share how artificial intelligence, nanomaterials, 3-D printing, robotics, and digital medicine will transform life and business over the next 20 years. He will explain how human society has evolved from “local and linear” to “global and exponential,” and how this change has not only spawned the creation of new billion-dollar start-ups, but also led to the demise of 50-year-old billion-dollar companies overnight.
Diamandis’ address is free to all registered IPC APEX EXPO attendees.
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