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Facts & Figures: Worldwide Telecom Interconnect Market

By Connector Supplier | June 16, 2014

The telecom interconnect market is the third largest market sector by annual revenues.

In 2013, the worldwide market for interconnect products used in telecom (telecom/datacom) totaled $25.0 billion including connectors and cable assemblies. Individually, connectors accounted for $9.8 billion in sales and cable assemblies equaled $17.9 billion. The figures cannot be directly added to get the total interconnect product sales due to potential double counting of the connectors in the cable assemblies. On average, cable assemblies contain approximately 15% connector content by value.

The largest region in 2013 for interconnect sales into the telecom market sector is China at 38% share of market (SOM) equaling $9.6 billion. Asia Pacific is the second largest region at 18% SOM. Japan is the smallest region with an SOM of 7%.

2013 interconnect sales by region

By product type, telephone-type modular connectors (like the RJ45) comprise the largest group of connectors used in telecom, representing 24% of the interconnect products used. RF products are the second largest class of interconnect with 21% of the overall usage. The application-specific interconnect is primarily F-Type connectors used in cable equipment infrastructure for TV/Internet applications with 14% of the overall usage.

2013 interconnect sales by product type

By telecom equipment type, enterprise network equipment is the largest sector utilizing 29% of the interconnect product used in telecom. Subscriber equipment is the next largest category at 26% and is comprised primarily of cell phones and smartphones.

2013 interconnect sales by equipment type

Bishop forecasts that the overall telecom interconnect market will grow by a compound annual growth rate of 7.7% over the next five years to a value of $36.3 billion.

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