market update

2023 Update: How’s the Connector Industry Performing?

2023 Update: How’s the Connector Industry Performing? The electronics industry and related supply chains are still absorbing the shocks of the pandemic era. After months of record sales, sales have entered a down cycle, yet encouraging signs are present. What do the semiconductor sales say about future sales? More importantly, what does Bishop & AssociatesRead More

Protecting Electronic Supply Chains in an Uncertain World

After years of pandemic disruption, the supply chain for electronic components is bouncing back. The key to future success hinges on our ability to apply what we learned during the pandemic to build dynamic supply chains that can weather the storms to come. Pandemics, natural disasters, and wars, plus labor and electronic components shortages, addRead More

Smart Home Technologies Integrate IoT to Provide Convenience and Cost-Savings

Consumers have quickly adopted convenient and cost-saving Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for home appliances, entertainment devices, and energy and security systems, reshaping the way we live, work, and manage our properties. Smart homes are answering consumer demands for ease, entertainment, comfort, and sustainability. Powered by computing devices and information technology, smart homes allow for multipleRead More

Brexit Update: UK Connector Industry

Six years after the historic Brexit referendum, trade ties have finally been severed between the United Kingdom and the EU. How is the U.K. connector industry handling the breakup? When the U.K. Parliament passed the Withdrawal Agreement Act in January 2020, 53% of businesses cited Brexit as the top source of uncertainty. Six years passedRead More

Strong 2022 Sales Lead into Optimistic Start for 2023

But what does 2023 hold for connector sales? Bishop & Associates’ Ron Bishop takes a look at the technologies and markets that use connectors to give us some clues about what the year ahead will bring. The final connector industry sales results from 2022 are coming in, and preliminary sales figures for the year showRead More

Top 10 Supplier of Connectors for the Military/Aerospace Market

The military/aerospace market encompasses a wide variety of applications requiring numerous high-speed, rugged, and high-reliability interconnects. Who are the top connector companies that serve this market? The military/aerospace market is among the largest users of interconnect products. In 2021, military spending reached a record $2.1 trillion, a figure that includes a wide range of spendingRead More

Connector Industry Forecast Report

What’s on the horizon for the connector industry? Bishop & Associates offers a new five-year forecast, while recognizing that the world is in a period of deep unknowns. Between the pandemic and its continuing aftershocks on supply chains and labor, the war in Ukraine and its impact on energy and military spending, the continued build-outRead More

New Military Ground Vehicle Report Examines the Modern Tank Market

Learn about interconnects for tanks and other military ground vehicles in Bishop & Associates’ new comprehensive market research report. Although the concept dates back to the ancient world, the military battle tank as we know it has been used since World War I, when Britain introduced the Mark I tracked armored fighting vehicle to aidRead More

Connector Material Costs in an Era of Global Uncertainty

The pandemic, geopolitical turmoil, factory slowdowns, and other disruptive factors have impacted the cost of the materials used to make connectors. A conversation with Ron Bishop explains this complicated era. By Connector Supplier and Samtec Inc. Material costs have fluctuated wildly in the past three to four years as COVID-19’s disruptions, tariffs, wars, natural disasters,Read More

2022 World Cable Assembly Market on Track for Continued Growth

A new market research report by Bishop & Associates examines this essential electronics market to understand its successes and challenges, plus a forecast for the cable assembly industry’s future. The global cable assembly industry continues to expand at a rapid rate. For 2021, Bishop & Associates recorded incredible growth in every major region. In 2022Read More

Copper and Fiber Optic Connectivity in the Data Center

Hyperscale data centers around the globe are in the middle of a foundational transformation that is changing the way data is communicated both internally and externally. Copper cables have traditionally served most network links between servers, routers, and switches. With data centers that are now measured in acres and house several hundred thousand devices, systemRead More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming