New technology

LEDs Illuminate New Automotive Designs

Superior performance, longer lifespans, efficiency, affordability, and design flexibility make LEDs the obvious choice for most automotive lighting applications, from headlights and taillights to interior ambient lighting, indicators, and controls. One of the most visible advancements in automotive design can be spotted from a mile away: LED lighting is now in widespread use in vehiclesRead More

E-Mobility’s Impact on Energy Demand

Smart grids will support new applications that produce and monetize energy, facilitate EV return of energy to the grid, and export renewable-generated electricity to other countries. E-Mobility has grown fast over the past several years, particularly in Europe and Asia, due in large part to Electric vehicle (EV) innovation, favorable regulations, significant investment, and sustainabilityRead More

Ethernet-APL Connects Hazardous Work Zones

As new levels of automation and connected technologies move into the most hazardous environments on Earth, Ethernet-APL is bringing field devices together. Ethernet-APL (Advanced Physical Layer), an extension of Ethernet technology, hit the standards scene in 2022 and it’s already accelerating high speed connectivity and real-time data exchange and diagnostics in the process automation industry.Read More

Getting Started with the Matter Protocol

The cloud of confusion around smart home development was greatly reduced with the introduction of Matter, a new technology standard introduced by the Connectivity Standards Alliance. Learn why Matter matters. The cloud of confusion around smart home development was greatly reduced with the introduction of Matter, a new technology standard introduced by the Connectivity StandardsRead More

Railways Embrace New Technology & Automation

Connector companies are bringing new technology advances, including AI, to railways in the U.S. and abroad, making them safer, more efficient, and more cost-effective. Much of the current rail infrastructure in the U.S. is based on systems that have been in use for half a century or more, due to the industry’s notable hesitation toRead More

The Role of Connectors in High-Performance Vehicle Systems

High-performance vehicle technologies require new electrical design strategies and advanced connectors to meet these challenges. As the transportation world integrates high=performance vehicle technologies into vehicles of all types and transitions to electromobility, the traditional decentralized electrical system architecture is reaching its limits. The complexity and high-speed properties required for technologies such as advanced infotainment, safetyRead More

Miniature Interconnects Scale Down Continuous Glucose Monitors

Today’s small, wearable CGM devices challenge design engineers with ensuring greater functionality in much less space. Miniaturized interconnect solutions with ultra-low profiles and enhanced pin density deliver more discreet and comfortable monitoring solutions. A new generation of wearable continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) is dramatically improving medical care and quality of life for people with diabetes.Read More

Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Smart Factories

Smart factories are at the forefront of transforming the manufacturing industry through innovations in automation, robotics, and data-driven solutions. Manufacturers play a pivotal role in this evolution by providing cutting-edge connector solutions tailored to the needs of modern manufacturing. Smart factories have emerged to meet the increasing demands of modern manufacturing, optimizing production and efficiency,Read More

Rapid Improvements in Battery Technology Enable New Designs

Batteries, battery management systems, and battery energy storage technologies have rapidly evolved, alongside interconnects, to make transformative new electronics possible. Batteries are becoming the latest disruptive technology as their size and weight decreases, their performance, safety, and energy density increases, and their prices come down, enabling an increasing range of technologies across every sector toRead More

Advanced Packaging and Silicon Photonics Extend Moore’s Law

Approaching the physical limits of traditional silicon chip technology, many predicted we would soon witness the death of Moore’s law. Multi-chip advanced packaging and the rise of silicon photonics offer a path to resuscitation. Not long ago, the consensus among many engineers was that the practical limits of shrinking semiconductor chip features had been reached,Read More

Tackling the Microplastic Problem with Science and Sport

With the help of Harwin’s technology, incorporated into microplastic sampling systems, GB Row Challenge athletes and University of Portsmouth scientists are creating a comprehensive map of microplastic concentrations. Microplastics have become prevalent in the environment, particularly in oceans and waterways. These microscopic strands of plastic can contain carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, and they accumulate inRead More

Intelligent LEDs Help Farmers Grow Superfoods

Indoor farming technologies centered around intelligent LEDs help grow new “superfood” crops that serve pharmaceutical and nutritional industries New indoor farming technologies that can create perfect growing conditions are taking the element of chance out of crop production. As climate change makes traditional farming less predictable, indoor vertical farming operations offer protected and optimized growingRead More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming