
Healthcare Robotics Provide Precise, Patient-Centered Care

Healthcare robotics, including the latest robotic surgical systems, have profoundly changed the way patients receive care. Today’s procedures are minimally invasive and highly precise, with fewer complications. Healthcare robotics is reshaping medicine. From devices that support personalized care in home environments to sophisticated systems that assist in surgeries, a new generation of healthcare robots hasRead More

What are metrical connectors?

Meet the Connector: Metrical Connectors Metrical connectors, also called M-type connectors and metric circular connectors, are a standardized circular connector that is widely used in industrial applications, including robotics, factory automation equipment, and sensor systems. They are cylindrical in shape and feature a secure locking mechanism in order to ensure connections remain tight in environmentsRead More

The Engineering Pipeline Begins with FIRST Robotics

FIRST Robotics has become an important force in the development of future engineers. Many of the young professionals working on the latest automotive technologies, from EVs to automation, got their start on a FIRST team, and many interconnect professionals volunteer as mentors with the organization. In an exclusive interview, FIRST founder Dean Kamen and MouserRead More

Revolutionizing Manufacturing with Smart Factories

Smart factories are at the forefront of transforming the manufacturing industry through innovations in automation, robotics, and data-driven solutions. Manufacturers play a pivotal role in this evolution by providing cutting-edge connector solutions tailored to the needs of modern manufacturing. Smart factories have emerged to meet the increasing demands of modern manufacturing, optimizing production and efficiency,Read More

Our Latest eBook Explores the World of Robotics and Automation

Download your copy here! From factory floors to remote harsh environments, many industries are discovering the benefits of automation in all its forms. Interconnects are critical for ensuring the efficiency and safety of autonomous machines used alongside and in place of humans. In Connector Supplier’s latest eBook, The Robots Are Coming: Automation, Robotics, AI, andRead More

Skip the Pins: Contactless Connectors Expand Design Flexibility

Delicate connector pins can be a point of failure. New contactless designs for industrial applications resist wear, damage, and ingress and transmit power and data across open air. A new wave of contactless connectors is delivering power and signal without pins or contacts. While this concept seems to defy the traditional definition of connectors, whichRead More

Human-Robot Collaboration Boosts Connector Company’s Success

Automation technologies are transforming the warehouse, logistics, and manufacturing worlds. Learn how one company integrated sensors, robots, and artificial intelligence into its manufacturing line to meet new production goals. The pressure is on: Connector suppliers are being asked to increase production, reduce prices, shift operations out of China, increase component functionality, shrink form factors, maintainRead More

Motion Control: Sensing Solutions Optimize Manufacturing Systems

Motion control systems harvest data to help create faster, more precise, and more resilient manufacturing processes. A host of sensors help unlock deep insights into factory operations. Motion control is the process by which the elements in a manufacturing process are set into a precise and controlled system of motion. These systems must meet theRead More

Design Planning to Insure Performance in Harsh Environments

The range and expansion of electronic applications today has extended the need for analysis and preparation of circuit designs to survive new operating settings in extreme harsh environments. Navigation electronics that have been employed in automobiles for navigating our city streets are now playing a role in deep space exploration. As technologies move into newRead More

Heavy-Duty Connectors Protect the Flow of Power and Data in Robots in Harsh Environments

As robots become ubiquitous and the tasks they take on grow more complex, one constant remains: they must be able to endure harsh environment conditions without interruption or performance impacts. The definition of “harsh” varies significantly across the many operating environments that require automated processes. Some robots may be working in a highly controlled cleanRead More

Building Resilient Robotic Systems for Harsh Environments

High-reliability connectors and cable assemblies play a crucial role in ensuring the functionality and longevity of robotic systems and devices that operate in space, ocean, and downhole environments. Developing robots for deployment in harsh and unforgiving environments, from the depths of the ocean to outer space and everywhere in between, presents a unique set ofRead More

March 2023 Connector Industry News

Upcoming industry events, as well as recent award, partnership, promotion, personnel, facility, distribution, standards, association, and certification news from across the connector industry. March 2023 Connector Industry News March 2023 Connector Industry News > Award News TTI Inc. named Melanie Pizzey, corporate senior vice president of commercial business operations, as the 2023 Founders Award recipient.Read More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming