What are HSL/high-speed link connectors? 

Meet the Connector: HSL/High-Speed Link Connectors What are HSL/high-speed link connectors?  HSL/High-speed link connectors are used to facilitate high-speed data communication between different components within electronic systems, such as computers, servers, telecommunications equipment, and other digital devices. The term HSL refers to a broad category of high-speed, high-performance interconnects that are capable of supporting dataRead More

Selecting Food-Safe Connectors for Processing Facilities

Learn how to specify connectors that deliver industrial performance while keeping food and beverages safe from contamination. The design of safe food and beverage processing systems includes the selection of specialized connectors and cables made from materials that resist bacteria growth, are easy to thoroughly clean and sterilize, operate without risk of introducing contaminants, facilitateRead More

New Rail Connectors for Energy Distribution for Rail Vehicles

A new generation of rail connectors has been designed to handle the hazards of this heavy-duty transport mode. Simple and quick installation and easy maintenance are just as important to keeping things rolling. Rail connectors are undergoing an upgrade as rail networks around the world are expanding quickly to match the growing human population. WithRead More

News From Hannover Messe 2024

The industrial trade fair showcased new energy and manufacturing solutions with an emphasis on AI and connected technologies as the industrial market urgently tries to put the brakes on carbon emissions. Since 1947, the Hannover Messe trade fair has been one of the world’s biggest and most significant gatherings of industrial expertise and innovation. FromRead More

Meet the Connector: DIN Standard Connectors

The German standards organization DIN is behind the quality, safety, and interoperability of electronic components used around the world. The term “DIN connector” refers to a wide range of connectors that adhere to standards set by the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) or German Institute for Standardization. DIN standards for electronic connectors cover design, dimensions,Read More

Food-Safe Interconnects Product Roundup 

This week’s Product Roundup highlights food-safe interconnects from leading connector manufacturers and suppliers. Food-Safe Interconnects CDM Electronics supplies binder cable assemblies in a variety of preconfigured cable lengths and connector orientations. Cordsets feature standard M12 connectors for automated food and beverage processing, industrial automation, and manufacturing. The special hygienic design makes Phoenix Contacts’ cordsets andRead More

Rugged Edge Computing Solutions for Infrastructure as a Service

An alternative to traditional IT infrastructure enables organizations to access advanced computing resources in harsh environments or remote locations without investing in proprietary data centers. Interconnects in edge nodes transmit data without the data center. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows organizations to tap into scalable, high-speed networks without investing in onsite data center equipment.Read More

Open Compute Project Initiative Drives Efficiency in New Data Center Designs

The OPC has grown into a collaborative community in which interconnect suppliers work with technology innovators to drive innovation and efficiency in data center infrastructure through open-source hardware.   The Open Compute Project (OCP) is an initiative that aims to design and share open-source hardware technologies, including interconnects, to help create more efficient data centers.Read More

December 2023 Connector Industry News

Upcoming industry events, as well as recent award, partnership, promotion, personnel, facility, distribution, standards, association, and certification news from across the connector industry. December 2023 Connector Industry News December 2023 Connector Industry News > Award News DigiKey won four MarCom Awards in the 2023 international creative competition for marketing and communication professionals, including two platinum awards (highestRead More

What are pin headers?

Meet the Connector: Pin Headers Pin headers are a type of electrical connector that consists of one or more rows of metal pins or contacts molded into a plastic base. They serve as a bridge between various elements in an electronic device, enabling the distribution of power, data, and signal throughout a device. They can connectRead More

What are M8 connectors?

Meet the Connector: M8 Connector Due to their design and functionality, as well as compact size and reliable connectivity, M8 connectors play a crucial role in a wide range of industries, from industrial automation to automotive applications. M8 connectors are commonly used in industrial settings as sensor and actuator connections. With an 8 mm lockingRead More

Ethernet Still Going Strong at 50

A half century after its inception, this ground-breaking technology is still a major player in the evolving world of connectivity. In May 1973, Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) researcher Bob Metcalfe sent out a memo that outlined a new broadcast communication network to connect computers within a building. His design used coaxial cable, butRead More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming