Expert Insights

Digitalization Technologies Offer Efficiency, Scalability, and Visibility in Industrial Environments

Connected technologies can bring significant benefits to OEMs, but companies need to carefully evaluate their goals and their existing resources in order to adopt successful digitalization strategies. The digitalization of production systems can help OEMs create more efficient supply chains, stronger production processes, and better tracking solutions for supply chains, inventory, and finished goods. WhenRead More

ECIA Charts a Resilient Electronics Industry

We talk to ECIA’s chief analyst Dale Ford about how the electronics industry weathered a challenging year with success and how the lessons learned will impact the way it operates in the years ahead. Dale Ford, chief analyst at the Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA), described 2020 as an “unforgettable year.” If that’s one ofRead More

Disruptive Innovation in the U.S. and China

Longtime industry observer Bob Hult shares his informed opinions, saying that it’s time for all levels of government and industry to recognize that China has become a pragmatic competitor fully capable of disruptive innovation. Doing so may help Western economies better prepare to confront the challenges ahead.  The United States has enjoyed decades of recognition as the world’s economic, technology, and military leader. Innovators including ThomasRead More

The Automotive Industry is on the Brink of Total Transformation

In 10 years, the automotive experience will be vastly different than it is today. Automotive capabilities, fueling strategies, usage and ownership patterns, and the overall driving experience are rapidly changing, in large part to innovations that begin at the connector level. The automotive industry is undergoing an incredibly dynamic period of innovation that will resultRead More

Beyond Standards: IPC Helps the Electronics Industry Navigate Challenges

IPC is known as the premier standards organization in the electronics manufacturing industry. But as the industry faces tariffs, COVID, and other complex challenges, it’s also become a problem-solving enterprise. When John Mitchell became the president and CEO of IPC in 2012, the organization’s focus was on standards development for the electronics assembly industries, withRead More

Strategic Connector Selection Can Reduce Power Use and Energy Costs in Data Centers

Smart component selection can help create cooler, more efficient data center architectures that save money and resources. The vast amount of energy consumed by data centers is a growing business, security, and environmental risk. Pre-pandemic estimates suggested that data centers would consume 20% of the world’s energy by 2025, but that figure will surely requireRead More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming