Consumer articles

What CES 2015 Means for the Connector Industry

At a glance, here’s a quick look at the show’s product highlights, and what CES 2015 means for the connector industry.   The 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas showcased evolutionary technology in a widening sphere of consumer electronic applications. has projected $223 billion in US consumer electronics factory shipments of more thanRead More

The Big Deal About Connectors in Mobile Devices

Mobile electronics continue to evolve rapidly, and connector technology follows suit to stay relevant. Has the next big game changer already been introduced? Bishop & Associates’ Senior Vice President Dave Pheteplace examines KISS technology. Keyssa recently introduced its KISS connector technology, which allows mobile devices to quickly transfer large amounts of data by simply “kissing” oneRead More

Keyssa Introduces Contactless Kiss Connectivity

Keyssa introduces contactless Kiss Connectivity, a tiny, solid-state system that simplifies secure, instant data flow between devices. Keyssa introduced Kiss Connectivity, a new way to transmit huge amounts of data and video rapidly between devices in close proximity, with virtually no battery drain. Keyssa’s coffee-bean-sized connector combines breakthroughs in mechanical design, electromagnetics, materials science, andRead More

Is the iPhone 6 Worth the Hype?

Apple is known for its well-choreographed product introductions, so there was much anticipation as it launched its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus last month. John MacWilliams wonders: Is the iPhone 6 worth the hype? Apple is known for its well-choreographed product introductions, so there was much anticipation as it launched its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus last month. The crowds were still there, butRead More

Tablets, Nablets, and Phablets Change the Computing Landscape

Since the introduction of the iPad less than five years ago, how, when, and where we compute has changed dramatically. Now, as the handheld technology continues to evolve, tablets, nablets, and phablets will once again change the computing landscape. Over the past 5 years or so, tablets have been all the rage in the personal systemsRead More

LG Launching First Round Smart Watch

In a surprise move aimed at trumping Motorola’s announcement next week of its Moto 360, LG announced it’s launching the first round smart watch, the LG G Watch R. Following the June release of one of the first-to-market wearable devices powered by Android Wear, LG Electronics (LG) is quickly expanding its wearable product offerings withRead More

Consumer Electronics: Has Innovation Peaked?

John MacWilliams wonders if, with the evolutions and revolutions we’ve seen over the last few years in consumer electronics, has innovation peaked? The consumer electronics industry (CE) has gone from also-ran to shining star – and back to a more subdued posture unless some exciting things happen by this fall. The transition goes like this:Read More

The Next 10 Years of Smart Home Technology

The next 10 years of smart home technology will focus on developments that will apply to more than just living spaces. Technology is not always smart. Technology that consumers can understand, afford, and use properly is smart. Technology that saves power and is good for the environment is also smart. Too often, the technology thatRead More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming