
Electric Vehicles Move into the Mainstream with New EV Battery Technologies

Improving EV battery technologies, expanding ranges, and growing charging networks are bringing electric automotive technologies into reach for more consumers, requiring development of new electronic connectors. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are moving into the mainstream. This shift is led by government mandates like China’s goal to hit 26 million electric vehicles by 2030, and manufactures’Read More

The Dynamic Server Market Reflects Ongoing Innovation in Computing

The size of computers has dramatically shrunk, from room-sized machines to tiny devices. But the power needed for web-based communications has made huge server facilities essential to support operations. The computer server industry has undergone continuous technology shifts since its inception. We have come a long way from the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, knownRead More

The Electronics Industry Starts to Ease Out of China

The impacts of COVID-19 illustrate the risks involved in centering too much manufacturing, assembly, and intellectual property in one region. Yet the coming implementation of connected technologies, including automation, the Internet of Things, and 5G networks, depends on connectivity products that are currently made in China. Automation may be one way out. The global electronicsRead More

The Return of Manufacturing to the US: Fantasy or Reality?

For North America, a key concern is rebuilding the high-volume/low-cost electronic manufacturing base, from which more than 100,000 jobs have been lost to offshoring, particularly in strategic technologies and their supply chains. All major regions involved in the electronics industry dwell on this subject – the outsourcing of manufacturing to Asia-Pacific countries. It is a key concernRead More

Convergence of Smart Computing Device Markets

Once distinct markets, wearables, smartphones, and tablets are merging into one product segment. What does the future hold for these devices and related technologies?      The smart computing device market includes wearables, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. One can define this segment as a market because these previously distinct product areas are converging – andRead More

Opinion: US Oversight of the Internet

As US politicians debate the future of the Internet, Bishop & Associates’ John MacWilliams makes the case for leaving oversight in the hands of the US.   The World Wide Web evolved out of DARPA Net in the late 1980s, emerging from an NSF/university technology dotcom system, and then as an open Internet in theRead More

Moore’s Law: Technology Evolves to Meet Its End

The end of Moore’s Law will occur in the 2020s, but we can already see evidence of and fallout from the imminent event. The $400B semiconductor market is approaching the end of Moore’s Law as we have known it. This will occur around the middle of the 2020s because feature sizes will become too small for existingRead More

Photonic Systems Manufacturing Consortium Update

The goal of PSMC is to address the technology gaps and challenges that limit the advancement of hardware technology for integrated photonic system manufacturing. Learn more about how to get involved. The Photonic Systems Manufacturing Consortium (PSMC) is a collaborative program organized by the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) and the MIT Microphotonics Center (MIT-MphC), and funded by theRead More

USB 3.0 Technology at a Glance

Need to brush up on the latest info about USB 3.0? John MacWilliams explains the pros, cons, history, and future of USB 3.0 technology at a glance.   The Universal Serial Bus standard has been one of the most successful connector specifications ever, shepherded by the USB Implementers Forum. USB dates back to 2008 andRead More

Is There an Insourcing Movement Afoot?

Today, China is dominant in high-volume, low-mix manufacturing, yet there is a groundswell of activity to return manufacturing to North America and Europe. John MacWilliams asks: Is there an insourcing movement afoot?   The contract manufacturing movement started in the late ’80s. This outsourcing movement freed up OEM resources so they could concentrate on product design and marketing, andRead More

Connector Technology Roadmaps

Bishop & Associates researched industry trends, connector technology, and business forecasts to compile connector technology roadmaps through 2025.   Bishop & Associates recently released a report on connector technology roadmaps through 2025 with forecasts generated from industry input that examine trend line projections of US manufacturing data from a wide range of industries plus other industry data andRead More

What CES 2015 Means for the Connector Industry

At a glance, here’s a quick look at the show’s product highlights, and what CES 2015 means for the connector industry.   The 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas showcased evolutionary technology in a widening sphere of consumer electronic applications. has projected $223 billion in US consumer electronics factory shipments of more thanRead More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming