
Designing Security into Embedded IoT Systems

Internet connectivity, digital business models and data-driven services, remote access, and data analytics all contribute to needs and challenges across nearly every industry. Domink Merli, author of the new book, Engineering Secure Devices: A Practical Guide for Embedded System Architects and Developers, explores ways to design security measures into embedded systems. Most modern products needRead More

Counterfeit Components Ground Airlines

American Airlines, Delta, and Southwest Airlines are among the companies experiencing pain due to counterfeit parts entering the supply chain. Major airlines, including American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airline, Virgin Australia, Ryanair, and TAP Air Portugal, have had to take more than 100 planes out of service to pursue parts removal based upon theRead More

Digital Radio Communication Systems Serve on Air and Land

Secure voice and media communications for emergency services, the military, and aircraft can be achieved with the use of private mobile radio and TETRA systems. Professional mobile radio (PMR) or private mobile radio allows users in the transportation, military, oil & gas, public safety and government, and commercial industries to make direct, person-to-person, secure communicationsRead More

Tech at Work: Security

In this ongoing series, we look at real-world applications and how interconnects play a role in successful implementations.   The connectors and cables that link software and systems play an integral role in network and enterprise security. For instance, enterprises spend thousands of dollars on the latest lines of security defense, but they’re still vulnerableRead More

Passive Optical Network Solutions for the Department of Defense

The Department of Defense needs to deliver greater network speed and capacity with stronger security, all while dealing with ever-leaner budgets. Telos Corporation explains why passive optical network solutions are the answer.   Passive Optical Network (PON) technology delivers voice, data, and video at terabit speeds with lower costs and greater security, as well as:Read More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming