
Harsh Environment Connectors: Standards vs. Real-World

Technical or MIL-Spec standards are often the minimum criteria for compliance. When the real expectation is performance beyond a standard, innovative, faster, and longer-lasting components are needed. Aerospace, defense, and industrial customers continually raise the bar for their performance requirements for rugged duty and harsh environment connectors. Not only must the current requirements be met,Read More

Design Planning to Insure Performance in Harsh Environments

The range and expansion of electronic applications today has extended the need for analysis and preparation of circuit designs to survive new operating settings in extreme harsh environments. Navigation electronics that have been employed in automobiles for navigating our city streets are now playing a role in deep space exploration. As technologies move into newRead More

New Circular Connectors Add to Multi-Billion Dollar Market

One of the earliest and most popular types of connectors continues to see design refinements and innovations. An examination of the huge circular connector market finds that commercial and industrial types are most specified in MIL/Aero applications. Creative COTS are used everywhere. There is not an industry today that isn’t designing equipment to be smaller, lighter,Read More

Small and Lightweight Interconnects Inspire the Rise of Personal Electric Vehicles

The hottest electric vehicles aren’t cars; an expanding world of personal transport options is changing the mobility landscape in cities around the world, thanks to the design possibilities afforded by powerful miniaturized interconnects. On an increasingly crowded planet, the ability to zip out of clogged traffic, park on congested streets, and lower transportation costs whileRead More

Renewable Integration: Tackling the Efficiency Challenges of Clean Energy and the Machine Learning Tech Needed to Get There

From electric vehicles to solar panels, energy innovation depends on efficient battery storage solutions. New opportunities to improve the efficiency of battery storage technologies devices is now possible with the dawn of AI, machine learning, and IoT. The pressure is on to produce long-term clean energy alternatives to carbon-emitting gas and coal power for ourRead More

Five Military Trends Paving the Way for Harsh Environment Connectivity

The military requires connectors that are as small, fast, and lightweight as possible while being durable and secure. Learn more about products that fit the bill. Military trends require connectors that are as small, fast, and lightweight as possible while being durable and secure. Even in the harshest environments, modern military electronics must take upRead More

Antenna Interface Standard Facilitates Remote Monitoring of Base Stations

A special category of interconnects that adhere to AISG standards make it possible to remotely monitor antennas, maintain system performance, enhance security, and build new base stations quickly. Three years after 5G was officially launched, the slow rollout of this high-speed technology continues as wireless operators around the world steadily install more base stations. SomeRead More

Surviving the Challenges of Environmental Monitoring: Rugged Connectors for Sensor Technology

Sensors are on the front line of an application’s exposure to harsh operating conditions. Specifying the right connector for sensors ensures reliability and performance for the entire sensing system, even under duress. Detection of environmental conditions requires connectors for sensors that can survive the harshest situations. Temperature fluctuations, airflow and air pressure, high vibration, corrosiveRead More

What are MIL-DTL-55116 connectors?

Meet the Connector: MTL-DTL-55116 Connectors The MIL-DTL-55116 connector is an electrical connector that has been used for more than five decades to connect audio and radio frequency (RF) devices in military and aerospace applications. It was introduced by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) in 1969 to meet the military’s need for robust andRead More

Vertical Farms Control the Weather with IoT Technologies

As outdoor agriculture becomes less predictable, vertical farms are bringing the farm inside, where sealed interconnects, sensor systems, smart LEDs, and connected technologies optimize every aspect of the growing cycle. The summer of 2023 brought extreme challenges to farmers around the world. Storms, droughts, wildfires, and record-breaking temperatures wiped out many crop yields. Up toRead More

Vertical Farming and Smart Agriculture Technologies Boost Food Production

As growing conditions become less stable and predictable, Agriculture 4.0 is coming indoors and boosting agricultural productivity through connected technologies. Vertical farming, also known as smart agriculture and Agriculture 4.0, uses technology to enhance crop production by automatically tracking critical parameters such as soil nutrition, temperature, and moisture levels for planting, fertilization, irrigation, and harvesting.Read More

eBook 2024 The Robots are Coming